Attenborough Nature Reserve

Attenborough Nature Reserve

Attenborough Nature Reserve is located in Attenborough, Nottinghamshire. It is owned and managed by the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust and it was opened in 1966 by Sir David Attenborough.

The site is nationally important and there have been over 250 species recorded at the reserve. It is cited as one of the best places to see kingfishers in the UK and it is home to rare wildlife including bitterns and otters. Many families have been visiting for generations.

There are many nature trails around the reserve including the Tufted Duck Route, the Skylark Trail and the Kingfisher Trail. This is a pushchair and wheelchair-friendly site. There are a number of bird hides so make sure you bring your binoculars to improve your chances of spotting the wildlife.

Further Information Attenborough Nature Reserve

Is there food and drink available?

There is a cafe serving food and drinks. You are welcome to picnic outdoors.

What are the main things to do?

A large centre for wildlife especially for spotting kingfishers which was opened by Sir David Attenborough and has a number of walking trails plus bird hides. There are toilets and a cafe.

What are the ticket prices?

The reserve is free to visit.

Is there parking?

There is parking and charges apply.

When are they open?

The reserve is open almost all year round and it closes overnight. For up-to-date opening times and dates please visit their website.

Dog friendly?

Dogs are welcome outdoors.

Are they accessible?

Information on accessibility

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