LaserZone Bradford

LaserZone Bradford is located on the outskirts of the city centre in West Yorkshire. It is an indoor laser game that is great fun for all the family.
LaserZone Bradford Overview
The venue is one of the largest in the UK. It is themed around an underground bio-chemical warfare research station. There are various sections including a train depot, shooting range, kennels, cold storage, bio lab, cells and the Red Queen. You score points by zapping your opponents and blasting their bases. The lasers are state-of-the-art and controlled by a computer. The game is played in an 8,000 square foot laser arena filled with special effect lighting, great music and theatre grade smoke.
Players must be at least 3.5 feet tall (106cm) to take part. Sessions last for approximately 25-30 minutes. This consists of pre-game briefing/instruction, kitting-up and the game itself. They also have a few retro pay-to-play arcade games. They also offer birthday party packages where you can have food or no food.
Further Information LaserZone Bradford
Is there food and drink available?
There is no reference to food and drink although they are provided with the party packages.
What are the main things to do?
Laser gun gameplay in a large glow-in-the-dark purpose-built arena with places to hide.
What are the ticket prices?
1 game £4.25-5.25, 2 games £7.50-10, 3 games £10.25-14.25.
Prices are subject to change and/or discounts online.
Is there parking?
There is parking, charges may apply.
When are they open?
LaserZone Bradford is open for most of the year. For up-to-date opening times please visit their website.
Are they accessible?
Please contact the venue.