Last Updated on June 23, 2024 by Suzy McCullough

We had a fabulous holiday to Disneyland Paris. We don’t regret taking our nearly 3-year-old toddler.  But I must admit that I was too impatient to take him and I know that he would have fared better had he been a little older. It was very tiring and sometimes it all just got too much for his little body in more ways than one. But that means we can go again now right?

At the time we were already in France so a trip to Disney seemed like a natural thing to do. We found a good deal via the Disneyland Paris website and booked to stay at the Davy Crocket Ranch for 3 nights. In hindsight, I wish we’d stayed for 2 nights longer and had more chill-out time. We were constantly on the go and it was tiring for us, let alone Jamie. Below I have compiled my list of top tips for visiting with young children – I hope it helps!

If you are wanting to know which rides are suitable for young children please check out my post –
Disneyland Paris – Suitable Rides for Toddlers / Young Children

Our Disney mad nearly 3 year old boy

The long and short of it was he loved it and he still remembers it well and talks about it approx. one year later. Plus we can take him again now, right? I am of the thinking that toddlers will find the experience of Disney a little bit more magical and amazing than older children. They take so much more in and just imagine how fun it will be to them. Quite an experience I’m sure. 

We simply have to go back as I would love for Jamie to meet the characters at the meet and great dining and this time I need to take my decent camera. So, for now, Disneyland Paris is not getting ticked off the list as there is still more to see and do. There are more rides we can go on now for a start, especially as 5 rides were shut when we went.

Disneyland Paris for Toddlers – Top Tips

Tip 1

If you don’t take a buggy don’t worry. They hire them out so if your kids are flagging you can easily get one and pop them in it. Jamie refused but that’s Jamie for you. They cost 15 Euros for the day with a 50 Euro deposit. They have some great moving walkways to help you get to the park but they are just from the car park and don’t take you all the way there. It’s quite a hike from the car park to the main entrance alone.

Moving walkways

Tip 2

If you go in the autumn and winter months the evening fireworks will be at a more toddler/younger child-friendly time so it may be worth considering this if you don’t mind colder weather. But remember the weather in northern France can be pretty much like ours – dull, wet and cold!

Tip 3

Be aware of foreign school holidays. Although our British holidays were done and dusted most of Europe was still not back at school. We had not realised this and Disney was incredibly busy.

Tip 4

You don’t have to pre-book to meet the characters. Some of the characters have meet and greets available during the day around the main street at no extra cost. You have to queue but I’m sure your kids will appreciate it. Unless you have a kid like ours who ran away from Mickey Mouse!

We will be adding meet and great experiences to our next visit. We have a much braver and far more confident boy now who loves meeting characters. Plus I now have an amazing zoom lens for my much-loved camera. It would be fun to review it again in much more detail. But for now, next on our agenda is Walt Disney World Florida.

Jamie meeting Goofy and Pluto

Jamie ran away from Mickey Mouse!

Tip 6

Take plenty of snacks. It will help boredom in the queues waiting for rides and to meet characters.

There is nothing quite like staying at a Disney hotel. Nothing really compares. Disneyland Paris has a great range of accommodation to suit all different budgets, needs and more. I have written a useful post comparing the Disney hotels and what they offer from budget to accommodation. Please check it out – Compare the Hotels in Disneyland Paris Park

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