Last Updated on November 5, 2022 by Suzy McCullough

Help! It’s that time of year again. Gift ideas for my son’s teachers are needed. What do I do when I need help? Well, I turn to some fellow talented bloggers for some inspiration. We are planning on making their gifts this year but it would be nice to make them something they’d actually appreciate. I guess that means we need to make something edible.

We are going to get creative and present them in Christmas boxes. With that, I have just reminded myself to buy some cellophane and some pretty ribbon! 

#1 Chocolate Spoons

The idea is to melt some chocolate with your choice of spices or other flavourings. This is poured into a cup and you then stand a spoon upright in the mixture which remains in place as it cools. They can then be removed from the cup at a later date and put into a warm cup of hot milk.

This will then leave you with a hot chocolate drink and ready to stir everything with a spoon. What a great idea. As they will be given as a gift why not wrap them individually in cellophane and tie them with festive ribbon?

With thanks to

#2 Slow Cooker Fudge

I’m all for cooking in a slow cooker. We love ours and it really simplifies cooking. Although it is a slow cooker recipe you do need to remember to stir the mixture every 15 minutes for two hours. Pretty sure we can cope with that!

For the full recipe and more photos head on over to Cooking with my kids

#3 Peppermint Creams dipped in Chocolate

I love peppermint creams. This is the homemade gift that I’d love to receive. They look so lovely half dipped in chocolate. Although peppermint creams are quite a Christmas tradition these would also work well as an end-of-year present.

For more photos and the full recipe head on over to baking with Granny

#4 Malteser Christmas Puddings

Ooooo these are so fancy. OK granted they are mostly for the Christmas gift idea option and I may well end up eating half the ingredients as we make them. But wow they look great. Chocolate orange, milk chocolate and Maltesers….now you’re talking.

For photos and the full recipe head on over to

#5 Christmas Cranberry Compote

It wouldn’t be Christmas without Cranberry sauce. What a lovely idea to make some homemade compotes for your kid’s teachers. Not only will it be long lasting but it can stand proudly on their table on Christmas day.

For more photos and the full recipe head on over to veggiedesserts

#6 Quick and Easy Homemade Fudge

This is a really quick and easy recipe to make homemade chocolate fudge. Thus making it a great gift for your child’s teacher. If you’ve left making the present to the last minute then this could be perfect for you. I love their idea of putting them in a festive cup and wrapping them in cellophane. They’ve also added cherries to the mix for an added bit of flavour.

For photos and the full recipe head on over to

#7 Raspberry and Mint Gin

Alcohol? For your kid’s teachers? Yes, you’ve read this correctly. I mean really I bet they deserve an alcohol-containing gift this Christmas right? I know it would be pretty much top of my would-like-to-receive gift list.

This has to be made and prepared at least a month in advance for the flavours to work. You basically make the concoction in a big jar a month in advance, keep it in a cool dark place, and then pour through a muslin into smaller lidded jars. There is also a raspberry and gin truffle recipe if you follow the link below.

Raspberry mint gin, photo courtesy of an organised mess

#8 Homemade Christmas tree Chocolates

These are so cute and I love how it has swirls of colour in the white chocolate. They look so festive. It’s such a great yet simple idea using white chocolate, some sweets, food dye and a tree shape cutter. The bags to go with them add a finishing festive touch.

For more photos and a recipe please head on over to Seasoned Sprinkles


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