Danes Dyke Beach

Danes Dyke Beach is located about halfway between Flamborough and Bridlington in East Yorkshire. It is a beautiful beach which although isn’t famed for its sand is a fantastic place to explore. Plus you can enjoy a walk in the woods.
What can you do at Danes Dyke Beach?
Danes Dyke is a bank and ditch earthwork ‘wall’ and it is said to date back to Iron Age times. The cliffs are made of coastal chalk and there are thousands of white pebbles and rocks on the beach. Unless the tide is at its lowest there is rarely sand on the beach but you can usually clamber over pebbles and search for fossils. It is recommended that you check the tide times before visiting.
There is a car park high on the ridge plus an overflow car park in the summer. It is a steep, but short, walk down to the beach. There is also a 1-mile walk through the woodlands. It’s a lovely walk and not too strenuous although there are steps going up and down in places. It’s a great place to see snowdrops and bluebells. You can also walk a coastal path to Sewerby.
Important Information Danes Dyke Beach
Is there food and drink available?
There is a cafe in the main car park. They serve hot and cold drinks and basic hot sandwiches. They are not open all year round.
What are the main things to do?
Beach with thousands of white pebbles and stones plus a 1-mile woodland walk with access to a coastal path. There are council toilets and a cafe.
What are the ticket prices?
FREE. The beach is free to visit.
Is there parking?
There is parking, a small charges apply.
When are they open?
The beach is accessible all year round.
Dog friendly?
Dogs are permitted on the beach.
Are they accessible?
The paths are not accessible and there is no accessible toilet.

Please note map location is not exact. The address for the nature reserve is – Danes Dyke Nature Reserve, Bridlington YO15 1AA